Saturday, August 30, 2008

Worship Between Different Churches II

I also believe that the church must lose its effectiveness in the world if the church or people of the church have no unity, because it will cause a gap that will separate the people inside the church. In fact, the article also says, the real war is with the enemy who would do us in by dividing us and rendering us ineffective by our bickering and fighting; so the source of war comes from the separation of people in church because of misunderstanding about the different type of worship which are those who want traditional worship and those who want contemporary worship. This is the reason why the other churches debate to different churches and then the people who do not know Jesus Christ as their personal “Savior” sees the two different churches debating- they will having a negative thinking about Christianity or the Christian life put inside their minds. That’s very sad right? We are all do believe that God sees our heart and no one can judge of worship lifestyle cause God is the only one who can see inside our heart. I’m not saying this because I’m in the contemporary church what I mean is whatever you do, do it for the glory of our God.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Worship Between Different Churches

Since you already knew that I am a Christian and part of the music ministry inside the church, I have here a reaction to the article I have read before. This article is written by one of the worship leader and I forgot his name because it long time ago. This is all about the kind of praise and worship for most of the churches, the title of this article is “what to do about the wars”, we all knew that there are churches who does love a traditional types of praise and worship such as hymnals and prescribe order of a church and there are churches also who love contemporary worship. According to this article, the church must win the worship wars or lose its effectiveness in the world. In fact, the article says, the war is not between those who want traditional worship and those want contemporary worship. I agree with these because I also believe that God doesn’t care about what type of worship we could express to Him, as long as we are sincerely showing our love to Him through our worship lifestyle, it doesn’t matter what type of music we sing to Him or we play to him. In fact, we all know that “Music” is the language of our soul, that’s the feeling of what we have, if we are under so many trials we can sing and shout like the soldier in the battle; they are all shouting just to overcome their fears, so we can sing “Rock Style” and many other types of music, and what ever types of music that comes from our heart we all know that this is our feelings and that we express to God, for this is the language that comes from our soul.

Playing Drum To God

To be honest, there are times I always having a hard time playing the drums in our church, some times I got nervous and because of that, my tendency is to play drums out of timing. Bad is in it? But the good thing is I have a very patient worship leader no other than kuya Ted Amper. Why? He’s a very good man and he helped me so much in order that I could be a good drummer someday, he even molds my character looking back the way I used to be. Maybe he doesn’t know that, but he’s been a big impact to my life. The reason why I could play drums even though I’m not that good enough to play drums is because; I was put to mind that this is all for God and not for men. And I know that I gave it to God all my best and I don’t care what they say if I had mistaken the bit or the timing. Here’s the secret, if you are a drummer in your church and some how you’re just a beginner the same as me before, what you have to do when you got nervous is just pray to God and ask Him that He will give you strength. And if you know something you are not yet surrender to Him either sin or something my advice is, you have to surrender that first before God so that He will make you a clean vessel.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Time How Do I Become A Drummer

Now you know how I become drummer right? Of course not, since I already knew how to play Guitar, Bass Guitar, Piano, joined a particular ministry inside our church which was the music ministry and my knowledge about music continue to grow as well as skills and then I begin to appreciate the sound of our church’s drums. I remember when Pastor Jeff Aspacio our youth director before and drummer of our church while his playing the drum, I always used to looked at him and try to find out how do he play drums with a very nice groove and fill ins. By the way Pastor Jeff is one of the reason why I become a drummer because he taught me a lot of thing about drums including exercises, rudiments, analyzing the sound of the drums when I’m listening a particular song. When Pastor Jeff sent by our church to have another church in Makati City, our main church has no drummer anymore that’s why Kuya Ted Amper our worship leader and music director asked me to choose which instrument do I really like to play when serving the Lord every Sunday, and said to my self since there is no drummer yet, I will play drums for the Lord even though I am not good enough. This is how I become drummer.

My Next Encounter With The Musical Instruments

The second instrument I learned was looks like a guitar but it’s not called guitar itself, it was a Bass Guitar. The reason why learned that because I want to enhance my skill on playing a guitar but some how I observed that what I playing on a guitar is sounds like a bass, well that’s my starting point to became curious about playing bass guitar. Few months later I become very interested on how to become a good musician, to tell what I am a Christian and I've been a member of our church “Sumulong Baptist Church” for almost 10years and the song that was the first song I played was a Christian song. We used to sing that in our church and I really love that song, the title of that song was "Lord, I Lift Your Name On High." That time I want to praise God because He saves my life, He took all my sin. Till now I love to praise His name. Believe me or not just a month ago I learned how to play piano but I’m not that good as guitar player because it’s just chords and very basic until now what I know in playing piano is chords alone. When I knew how to play piano I felt that I’m so very happy that God gave me a talent and what said to my self was I want to be used by God in the area of music. Then I joined the music ministry in our church and become very active.

My First Encounter With The Musical Instrument

At first, I didn't know how to play drums because I never saw myself becoming a drummer... for me, that time ,playing drums was one of the most difficult thing to do aside from the fact that I don't know how to play any kind of instrument. But somehow I saw that even when I was a young kid I really liked music. But guess what? Music doesn't like me. I don't know why but maybe because I was limiting my self, that I cannot play drums. To tell you how I became a drummer I will tell you about the first instrument I learned. My first instrument is probably the most common instrument in the world and that is the guitar. Maybe you won’t believe me if I tell you that in just one day I learned playing a song using the guitar. That day I was just sweeping our dorm’s floor and unexpectedly one friend of mine forgot to keep his guitar when he was done using it. You see, I was very curious about everything that’s why I used to touch things with out asking permission first. So what I did was I took the guitar and tried as best as I can but some how I really couldn’t produce a good sound. So I took my friend’s book and I tried to understand the guitar lessons in it and did my best to understand it. Finally I heard that the sound was becoming better so I continued to practice the basic chords to the point that I forgot what I was really supposed to do which was to sweep the floor and that was it.